Frequent questions
Find essential information on booking conditions at Hotel Capri.
What time can I enter the hotel?
The room delivery time is from 3:00 p.m., although you can arrive earlier at the hotel and, once you have checked-in, leave your luggage in the storage room.
What time should I leave the room?
The time of departure of the room is at 11:00, although you can leave your luggage in the luggage room and continue enjoying the hotel facilities that same day.
Is there wifi in the rooms? Is it free?
Yes, the hotel has free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.
Is there parking at the hotel?
Hotel Capri has its own parking lot at a cost of €15/day for guests staying. It is necessary to reserve a place. Service subject to availability.
Are pets allowed in the hotel?
Yes, we are Pet Friendly, although there are rooms where pets are not allowed. Ask us.
What is the amount of the tourist tax? Is it included in the reservation?
The tourist tax amounts to €1.28 night and person.
Can you smoke in the hotel?
Smoking is not allowed throughout the premises, except on the outdoor terrace. This prohibition is also applicable to the use of any other tobacco inhalation device, water pipes, hookahs or similar.